Widely used in Europe, in the automotive and marine industries, extrudable epoxy pastes are allowing manufacturers to create high quality models with an extremely good surface, and are saving time and reducing production costs.
ATL’s Technirez R2570 seamless epoxy modelling paste provides a quick, over-night cure rate allowing fabricators to start machining parts much sooner than other products on the market. It is specifically designed to be applied by machine and the user-friendly 1:1 mix ratio makes it easier for equipment set-up and calibration.
Technirez R2570 exhibits low shrinkage and has excellent adhesion to expanded polystyrene, polyurethane and MDF substrates, and can be applied up to 40mm thick on complex and vertical surfaces, without sagging.
It can be machined to produce a seam-free, uniform tool surface that is dimensionally stable.
ATL recommends the application of Duratec Surfacing Products to produce a Class A surface on the R2570 tool surface.
Click here to view a short video of the Technirez R2570 being applied and machined.
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